SOLUTIONS Donors, NGOS, government agencies
Creation of biodiversity based supply chain
- Creating rural jobs
- Regenerating biodiversity
- Local economic development
Genetic and biological resources are at the heart of R&D. They offer opportunities to create innovative products for cosmetics, textiles, biotechnologies, construction materials, etc. They contribute to local economic development and/or provide concrete benefits in relation to the Nagoya Protocol on ‘Access and Benefit Sharing’
We support you creating natural ingredients, setting up supply chains and marketing them nationally and internationally. We assist through two services:
– Resource selection: advise which ingredients’ benefits are supported by scientific research that can provide a competitive market advantage.
– Product development: build stakeholders’ capacity to both develop new products and to add value to existing products for both local and international markets.
We have developed a specific approach to provide an integrated response to scientific, market, regulatory, social and environmental conditions through coordinated technical studies and stakeholder consultations.
Sustainable natural resource management
- Sustainable exploitation of the species
- Biodiversity conservation
- Regeneration of ecosystem services
Natural resources are in most cases over-exploited. Often, regulation and corporate standards have limited efficacy. To manage them in a sustainable manner there is a need to involve all stakeholders. We intervene in situations where individual actor cannot respond to the problem. In order to understand the system and build new forms of collaboration, we coordinate technical studies and stakeholder consultation based on a scientific approach of ‘common goods’ coined by E. Ostrom (Economics Nobel Prize 2009).
Within the framework of the sustainable development goals, we have a systemic approach to identify action levers and create synergies between the actors. Our expertise covers the following objectives :
- 14
- 1, 11
- 8, 9, 10, 12
Case studies