Sustainable sourcing
- Secure sourcing for raw materials
- Protect reputation
- Comply with environmental regulation
There is growing pressure for companies to improve their impact on the environment and on the communities in which they source their raw material. Understanding these impacts can drive improvements to corporate strategy, operations, reputation and ultimately on financial performance. We support you making the right steps to ensure your supply chain is sustainable and achieve key sustainability metrics.
We analyse the sustainable management of your supply chains and develop improved systems to support an impact- based approach to procurement. For this purpose we engage your stakeholders. Our deep understanding of your problem allow us to develop alternative scenarios. Through facilitation and participatory approaches we support you testing and implementing the best solutions. You save on implementation cost and build trust.
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Compliance with the Nagoya Protocole on ABS
- Secure R&D investments
- Compliance with national ABS regulations
- Reputation and licence to operate
We ensure that your R&D on genetic resources integrates and complies with national ABS regulations through the following services:
- Update policies, systems and practices
- Conduct legal studies to support ABS authorizations
- Facilitate stakeholders’ consultation to negotiate benefit sharing
- Build scientific partnerships to facilitate access to materials with high market potential
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Sustainable transformation
- Understanding trends and their impacts
- Building value for shareholders, employees and society
- Gaining decision-makers approval and partners’ ownership
We facilitate organizations’ transition toward more sustainable and resilient models by providing know-how and tools. Our focus is on corporate positioning and strategy in relation to all ecological, societal and economic issues.
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Corporate garden to pilot sustainable agriculture
- Respond to employees demand for meaningfull action, sens and connection to nature
- Improve corporate ability to manage complex situation
- Experiment and learn at low cost
As the Spanish proverb says: more grows in the garden than the gardener sows. The creation of a corporate garden, by and with the employees, is a learning tool for understanding sustainability challenges at production level. We partner to support the creation and animation of a turnkey organic garden, and the development of ‘lessons learned’ to inform your sustainable sourcing specifications.
Case studies